Here’s to a filled Money Bag for 2011!

Today is December 31st!  This day always makes me reflect back at how fast the Of year flew bye.   I wholesale jerseys always take time to benchmark my progress for the goals I set for wholesale mlb jerseys myself and the growth/loss of my net worth over the prior year.  When I look into January, I realize that by setting my goals and making small conscious tweaks to my current lifestyle that a year later most of the changes have occurred, become habit, and I am closer to living the life I want to create. 

Looking back this year, I have completed several of my book goals, Disclaimer by making progress on the completion of the book, hiring to an publishing firm, setting aside time weekly to consistently work on the book, Progression set a deadline to turn it into the wholesale nba jerseys editor (March 1st), request feedback from a small to pool of friends/family for feedback, and starting a monthly blog.

I also see wholesale nfl jerseys Economic-Calendar that some goals, were missed, forgotten, or just not completed.  I review and decide Bags if they Provide should be on the list.  Donating blood quarterly and reading the Bible daily made the list and I have to recommit, but rock climbing was removed.

Personally, for 2011, I plan to go to the gym one more day a week, get up 30 minutes earlier, and complete Money Bags!  Like I challenge my clients, I have also set in cheap jerseys place the “thumbscrews” on myself and will increase my потолки long-term savings wholesale nfl jerseys by another percentage point.  I will also read T. Harv Eker’s Top “Secrets to wholesale mlb jerseys the Millionaire Mind Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth” again and complete Anthony Robbins Kemaluan book to continually work on my personal growth.

My challenge to you is to set five minutes aside to reflect ???? and make tweaks in your life for 2011.  Make a commitment to cheap nfl jerseys benchmark your net worth annually and increase your savings by 1-2%.  Furthermore, if you have kids, promise to work with them more deliberately to teach them about money in wholesale mlb jerseys the coming year.

Happy New Year!

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