Post Archive: May 2016

  • MoneyBags hits the airways on KDWB’s The Dave Ryan in the Morning Show!

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    Earlier this month, MoneyBags was the subject to an “un-boxing” on KDWB’s The Dave Ryan in the Morning Show.  If you missed the segment, never fear, you can see the video at the following link.  Just click the little picture of Dave below and hit the “play” triangle to start the video.

    We just loved how Dave called out several chapters of the book on air and really understood the importance of the chapter on Delayed Gratification.  Big thanks go out to Dave and the team at KDWB for recommending MoneyBags: A Guide To Teaching Your Kids About Money.


    Note: If you are having trouble watching this video, please go to Facebook – The Dave Ryan in the Morning Show – Videos – May 12th 2016.