Post Archive: Mar 2017

  • It is Tax Time……..I mean Spring Time

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    For most people this time of year always makes them happy, since they know that summer is around the corner.  However, for me, I don’t start celebrating until after tax day (April 15th – unless there it falls on a weekend or a holiday).

    So, since it is Tax Time, take a minute to teach your kids about money and taxes.  As stated in Chapter 11, one of the fastest ways for kids to understand the impact of taxes is for you to take some “taxes” out of their food with a big bite for the provider (you).

    Furthermore, explain where money comes from and that it does not grow on trees (Chapter 47), which was my favorite dream. Consider kicking spring off with some MoneyBags fun by creating a Money Tree.  Erect it up on Aril 2nd (the enactment of the 1792 Money Law), decorate it and then take it down on Tax Day!


    Make sure to post a pic of your Money Tree on Facebook, I would love to see it.

    Here is to filling your MoneyBags!



  • MoneyBags E-Book – The Joy of Delayed Gratification Strikes Again!

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    After much delay, MoneyBags has entered the 21st century!!!!

    I am most excited to tell you that it is official, you can now buy “MoneyBags: A Guide to Teaching Your Kids About Money” as an EBook for $9.99! As a person from the “old school,” I have always enjoyed holding and reading a physical book.  However, I am surprised that I really like the EBook too.

    I found the whole process rather easy. I made MoneyBags my first purchase (of course) and I am impressed at how crisp and easy it is to read.  Furthermore, I like that you simply swipe to turn a page and that there are hyperlinks take you to the chapter or website with a simple click.  You can navigate back and forth to different chapters via the table on contents.  Plus, I can also change the font style, font size, line spacing, background color, margins, and brightness for my desired reading pleasure.

    Furthermore, most people carry their electric devices everywhere, so now it is super easy to walk through a quick chapter with your kids when you are waiting at the airport, on a long car ride, or simply waiting for you meal at a restaurant.

    For your MoneyBags Mission, please take a peek at the new EBook, rate it in the “Before You Go” section, and tell a friend!

    Here is to filling your MoneyBags!

