Post Archive: Aug 2011

  • Fast Times at MoneyBags

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    This month my life reflects the stock market — changing quickly.   The book is moving fast and I am the one holding all the hot potatoes.  Not only has the editor returned the book for my final review, which is a scary thing for someone who is scared of commitment, but I also have the first cover illustration back from the illustrator over here.  The public relations person and I are also looking into whom to request for the foreword and “blurbs” to put on the back cover.

    Today was rough feeling under the gun really kills the creative juices, but I have to take a step back to see how far things have come.   Carlos and Amber have created my money tree, mocked a moneybag, and we have begun getting the web site/blog to look more structured.  Any day my business cards and stationary will arrive and I got a new number for the business!

    This week was especially rewarding since I ran into a fellow author at Beaver’s Pond Press.  He gave me pointers and offered to do a blurb!  We talked for awhile about what his journey as an author was like and what he would do differently if he had it to do all over again.

    Here is my tip for you this posting.  As you start getting ready for your kids to go back to school have this be a time that they see you budget for school expense.  Tell them how much you need to allocate for back to school clothes and supplies and have your kids actively help you stay within your goal when you go shopping.  As a new tradition on your kids first day of school in addition to taking their picture on the front steps, consider having your kids count and track how much they have in their long-term savings.

    Here is to filling your MoneyBags!
