A Winning Day for the Writer. Happy Thanksgiving!

Today was a perfect day to write.  Minnesota has finally ‘Tique cheap jerseys turned into the cold tundra with freezing rain and a sheet of ice on the roads and walkways.   After winning a Spider Solitary game (the first one in months) I am ready to focus.  However, I was not ready for the ◆無駄なチカラ その1 one page chapter to take Complete two hours!

Today, I tackled explaining credit/debit cards.  With my goal to make each chapter teachable, memorable, and fun, it another took awhile to think of an analogy that would do just that, but my determination paid off.

After that earth breaking speed, I went back to my office and pulled the trigger to print five Motivational copies of the manuscript to be cheap nba jerseys read and receive feedback from my friends.  I know I am on the right path when I hear people say they don’t know how to teach their kids.  I cannot get this book out fast enough!  I have stepped out of my comfort zone by letting my work be seen in such an incomplete state, but I want and need cheap mlb jerseys their feedback.  I am open and able to handle negative comments, but I think they are going to love Kulit what I have done.

Thanksgiving is this week, which is a time of thanks and to spend with family.  I am grateful for my life, family/friends, my clients who have taught and adopted me as much as I have them, Disclaimer and the compelling need to get this book written and out to wholesale jerseys the public.

I hope when I am back in my parent’s house with a few days off from the practice that I can make more needed progress.   My goal is to hand the book off to the editor on March 1st! So I can be focused on my practice and ski trips in March and April.  If all cheap mlb jerseys goes as plan the a book should cheap nba jerseys be in print by August and available Weekender Way for sale in September!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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