Category Archive: News & Announcements

  • David England: A Rare Buy Recommendation

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    It is always nice to receive complements, but when it comes from a well-known Columnist of the Southern Illinoisan – Business Journal, Retired Associate Professor of Finance and Financial Icon/Founder of in my hometown, it means MUCH more!

    Please check out his kind words and the reasons he recommends “MoneyBags: A Guide to Teaching Your Kids About Money” as a must buy this holiday season.

    Click Here

    Thank you David England for your support, teaching, and wisdom over the years.

    Here is to filling your MoneyBags!


  • Helping Our Four Footed Friends

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    MoneyBags will be at Retrieve a Golden of Minnesota (RAGOM) Goldzilla fund raising event on September 10th (8:30-2:00) at Long Lake Regional Park in New Brighton.  Come enjoy the in helping raise money for this good cause.  What could be more fun than sun, goldens and helping pets that need a home!

  • MoneyBags E-Book – The Joy of Delayed Gratification Strikes Again!

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    After much delay, MoneyBags has entered the 21st century!!!!

    I am most excited to tell you that it is official, you can now buy “MoneyBags: A Guide to Teaching Your Kids About Money” as an EBook for $9.99! As a person from the “old school,” I have always enjoyed holding and reading a physical book.  However, I am surprised that I really like the EBook too.

    I found the whole process rather easy. I made MoneyBags my first purchase (of course) and I am impressed at how crisp and easy it is to read.  Furthermore, I like that you simply swipe to turn a page and that there are hyperlinks take you to the chapter or website with a simple click.  You can navigate back and forth to different chapters via the table on contents.  Plus, I can also change the font style, font size, line spacing, background color, margins, and brightness for my desired reading pleasure.

    Furthermore, most people carry their electric devices everywhere, so now it is super easy to walk through a quick chapter with your kids when you are waiting at the airport, on a long car ride, or simply waiting for you meal at a restaurant.

    For your MoneyBags Mission, please take a peek at the new EBook, rate it in the “Before You Go” section, and tell a friend!

    Here is to filling your MoneyBags!





  • MoneyBags hits the airways on KDWB’s The Dave Ryan in the Morning Show!

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    Earlier this month, MoneyBags was the subject to an “un-boxing” on KDWB’s The Dave Ryan in the Morning Show.  If you missed the segment, never fear, you can see the video at the following link.  Just click the little picture of Dave below and hit the “play” triangle to start the video.

    We just loved how Dave called out several chapters of the book on air and really understood the importance of the chapter on Delayed Gratification.  Big thanks go out to Dave and the team at KDWB for recommending MoneyBags: A Guide To Teaching Your Kids About Money.


    Note: If you are having trouble watching this video, please go to Facebook – The Dave Ryan in the Morning Show – Videos – May 12th 2016.

  • MoneyBags, A Must Buy for Any Parent!

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    “A must buy for any parent…”, says David O task management for teams. England, host of Eye On the Market in his recent Market Minute.  We are very excited and appreciate David’s support in our mission of helping parents teach their kids about money.  If you agree with our Mission, please help us get the word out by sharing MoneyBags with your friends and family.  Take a listen to the spot here:

    To learn about David O. England, visit his website by clicking his logo below:


  • Mom’s Choice Award Winner

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    MCA Gold LogoMoneyBags Supporters –

    It is official!  “MoneyBags A Guide to Teaching Your Kids About Money” has won two Mom’s Choice Awards (MCA) – Gold , in both the Adult Books and Educational Products categories!

    “The MCA evaluates products and services for children and parents.  The program is globally recognized for establishing the benchmark of excellence in family-friendly media, products and services.  The organization is based in the United States and has evaluated thousands of entries from more than forty countries.”

    After a rigorous evaluation I am both honored and excited that MoneyBags received the highest awards in both categories entered.  Going forward, the book and website can display their respected logo.

    Thank you for all your support so early in my journey to education kids about money.  Please help me spread the good news by sharing this post via Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!

    Here is to filling your MoneyBags!


  • WJPF Miller in the Morning

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    12/22/2014 Updated Post

    Wendy did appear on the Miller in The Morning Show to discuss MoneyBags, but sadly the audio for the show was lost.  Instead, here is a picture of Wendy getting ready for her on air debut.  We hope you enjoy!






  • Book Signing: September 22, 2014, at Carterville Library

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    Carterville Library LogoOn September 22, 2014, from 4 PM until 7 PM, visit the Anne West Lindsey District Library in Carterville, IL,  for a MoneyBags book signing event.  Wendy Gillespie, MBA, CFP®,  and the MoneyBags staff will be on hand to sell and sign copies of MoneyBags: A Guide to Teaching Your Kids About Money.  Invite your friends and come share your favorite MoneyBags Moment!